For more information and for online rohani ilaj,Taweez for love,Black magic and dua and wazifa contact Syed Rohani Amil Matloob Shah on this number. +923008143741.



The translation of the Arabic word ‘wazifa’ into English means “to employ”. However, the term wazifa is more commonly used to refer to the practice of reciting some verses or phrases to seek a specific favour or reward. In Sufism, the term refers to the evocation of qualities of Allah by reciting or meditating on some or all of the 99 Names of Allah. When we make dua, (Dua And Wazifa) we can either use are own words, or use verses or phrases that have been recommended to use and practiced by the prophet ( peace be upon him), which are included in the established Sunnah. But in wazifa, (Dua And Wazifa) even through the words or phrases may be taken from Islamic texts (including from the Quran), the way in which they are being used does not have a basis in the Sunnah Dua And Wazifa.The thinking behind wazifa is that saying something a particular number of times for a particular number of days will somehow grant us a specific reward or favour.
Reasons of Dua and wazifa

There are several reasons why we should not shoud wazifa and should instead make dua.These include:

As Muslims, we recognize and accept that Allah is All-knowing and All-Powerful, and that he alone know what will be the best for us in this life and the next.The idea that we can dictate or chang Qader through ritulas that have no basis in Islamic teachings, is country to this and so we need to reject this idea (Dua And Wazifa).

Meaning of wazifa

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
Your Question: my question is what does the word wazifa means,

The literal meaning of the Arabic term Wazifah means to employ.

But for some reason, in the Urdu language the term wazifah is meant to imply some verses or phrases which one recites seeking a specific favor from Allah Subhanah.
Your Question: and is wazifa allowed in islam

If by wazifah one means to recite the Surahs, or verses, or phrases of supplications or glorifications which have been endorsed and practiced by the Messenger of Allah (saws) in his authentic and established Sunnah; then obviously such recitations would be extremely beneficial and encouraged in Islam.

But if by wazifah one means to imply the self-invented recitations, and the times of these recitations, or the self-proclaimed rewards or merits one may get if they follow the self-invented and stated procedures, etc.when Allah and His Messenger (saws) have never endorsed such rites.then without an iota of a doubt, all such self-invented wazifahs would constitute manifest and clear bida or innovations! Every single innovation in the pure and perfect deen of Islam is an error and a sin in the Sight of Allah Subhanah; and the believers who sincerely fear Allah and the Last Day must strive to abstain from following any innovation in the pure and perfect deen of Islam.


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